
Pro-Stats integrated by DeGeest
Help management and operators analyze real-time utilization rates, view historical data and set daily goals at each robot.

Analyze real-time and historical production Stats
What It Is
Software on your robot that gathers real-time production data and sends it to a dashboard to graphically display how your system is doing.
Why You Need It
The Pro-Stats dashboard allows management to analyze production data from daily utilization rates, to comparing production history to watching for trends anywhere in the world in real time. It also allows management to easily set and communicate daily goals for the operators at each robot.
How It Works
Upon subscription to our service, a password will be created for one or more administrators to gain access to your Pro-Stats Dashboard. Users will see all real-time and historical production data of your system and select goals for each robot. These production goals will automatically be displayed on each robot HMI and provide real-time part count to help them reach each system!
One of Lesta's customers has 6 facilities being monitored and managed from their Pro-Stats dashboard!
with Brad Ruppert
A Proven Path to Automation
A Proven Path to Automation created through our lived experience and by helping hundreds of other companies. Gain peace of mind knowing you have a plan. You can go at your own pace. Spread out your investments in capital equipment, processes improvement and skills. ...
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